According to the latest news published by the BBC, an Indian company has developed a non-invasive test that uses thermal imaging and artificial intelligence (AI). This test is cheaper when compared to other available breast cancer screening procedures. Breast cancer
A device to detect breast cancer at home is now a reality
According to the most recent BBC news, an inventory app to check for breast cancer at home has become a reality in the United Kingdom. This tool or device was made to encourage the practise of self-checks. The user is
Healthy Eating may Reduce Mortality among Breast Cancer Survivors
A systematic review published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed that healthy eating may reduce all-cause and breast cancer-specific mortality. The systematic review included searching databases for studies that examined the associations between diet quality and
Single Essential Oil Aromatherapy Can Improve Sleep Quality of Cancer Patients
According to a literature-based study published in Biomed Central Complementary Medicine and Therapies, aromatherapy can be beneficial to promote quality sleep in cancer patients. Aromatherapy uses concentrated essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers and other plant parts to interact with
Exercise intervention can improve cognitive function after chemotherapy in breast cancer patients
After undergoing chemotherapy, up to 60% of the cancer patients face cognitive problems which hampers their quality of life (QoL). A study was conducted to see whether an exercise regimen would enhance cognitive abilities in breast cancer patients who were
Eating early and frequently is associated with better diet quality in breast cancer survivors
A cross-sectional study was conducted (March 2015-March 2016) in 84 females who survived breast cancer. The researchers wanted to form the connection between breast cancer incidence and frequency and eating times, the quality and quantity of food consumed, body consumption
Pro-vegetarian diet can reduce breast cancer risk
Vegan diet is the latest fad these days, especially in the West. Though not exactly vegan, a pro-vegetarian diet includes ample amount of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A recent study conducted among 10,812 Mediterranean women has led researchers to
Vaccinated Cancer Patients are at Greater Risk of Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection
As per the research published in JAMA Oncology, people diagnosed with cancer who have received COVID-19 infection are at higher risk of breakthrough COVID infection than vaccinated people without cancer. In this study, vaccinated people diagnosed with at least one
New research suggests ‘One size does not fit all’ in terms of breast density education
According to a study published in Patient Education and Counselling, women had varying preferences and experiences in receiving breast density information. Breast density notifications aim to educate women about the risks of high breast density. Dense breasts have high fibroglandular
Artificial Sweeteners can Increase Chances of getting Cancer
In a recent study published in PLOS Medicine, it was reported that artificial sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame-K in particular, were associated with increased risk of developing cancer. Research has found that in higher consumers of artificial sweeteners the overall risk