Given our fast-paced lives, we tend to forget things easily, doctor’s appointments being no exception to the rule. Most women cite forgetting as the common reason for missing their breast cancer screening appointments. Digital reminders are now available, so you
Can breast pain be a symptom of breast cancer?
The symptoms for breast cancer differ from person to person. Contrary to popular belief, most breast cancers are not painful. However, breast pain can be one of the warning symptoms of breast cancer in some women. Most women experience pain
How do you know if a lump is moveable?
If you detect a lump during your self-breast examination, firstly, you should make an appointment with your doctor to get further assessment. While you are waiting for your appointment, you can check the characteristics of the lump, including its mobility,
Where are breast lumps usually found?
Lumps can occur in different parts of the breast, which include lobules, ducts, nipples and fatty tissue. Lobules: These are the mammary glands that make breast milk. When cancer occurs in the lobules, it is called lobular cancers. Ducts: These
What kind of lumps are normal in breasts?
Any lump found in the breast may not be cancerous; research says that about 60 – 80 % of the breast lumps are non-cancerous (benign). These lumps can occur due to hormonal changes or while breastfeeding. Some common benign breast
Can you do a breast self-exam in the shower?
Yes, you can examine your breasts while in the shower. Being aware of the normal size and shape of your breasts is important to help you notice any marked changes from the ordinary. For this, it is required that women
Can you give yourself a breast exam?
Yes, you can give yourself a breast exam. This is called as Breast Self-Examination (BSE), as the name indicates – it can be performed on your own. Breast Self-Examination is an early detection method and is an effective weapon in
Can breast cancer be detected through self-examination?
It should be remembered that monthly BSE is done in addition to and not as a substitute to regular scheduled mammograms (Beast X-Rays). Clinically, mammography, clinical breast examination, breast self-examination (BSE) are methods used for screening and early diagnosis of
Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation Found to be Higher in Breast Cancer Patients
A latest study published in the ‘European Heart Journal’, revealed that atrial fibrillation is significantly higher in women after a breast cancer diagnosis. Atrial fibrillation refers to an abnormal heart rhythm that leads to poor blood flow. It is one